Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Learn Hands Only CPR at Hanes Mall in February

Free Hands Only CPR Classes at Hanes Mall
In honor of Heart Month, BestHealth is offering free hands only CPR classes. This simple technique will be taught by trained professionals per the American Heart Association guidelines. Leaning CPR might save a person's life and will give you the opportunity to practice the skill on a manikin with feedback and tips.

Walk-ins are welcome, and the classes will be offered from 11:00 to 2:00 on each Tuesday in February. I have taught CPR, also known as Basic Life Support, for quite a few years, and I have had quite a few people to come back after learning CPR to say that they were so grateful to have learned this important, potentially life-saving skill. One lady mentioned that her grandson had a seizure and became unable to breathe just a few days after taking the class. She performed CPR and got help for him just as practiced, and her grandson is a happy and healthy boy who is going strong today, many years after that frightening time! She never expected to use those skills in that way, but she became eternally grateful for that knowledge.

This class is not geared toward healthcare providers but is a simple class for those who would like to learn the basics of hands only CPR. It will only take a few minutes but can be time well-invested. There is no written test for the hands only CPR class.

Free Hands Only CPR Classes at Hanes Mall in February

Here are the details in a nutshell:
Who? Anyone who would like to learn and practice
What? Learn Hands Only CPR technique
Where? BestHealth (located inside of Hanes Mall in Winston-Salem, NC)
When? FREE classes available every Tuesday in February - walk-ins welcome between 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.

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