Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Driveway Circuit Training Workout

Driveway Circuit Training Workout Photo Source

Looking for an outdoor workout you can do in your own yard or looking for a little variety at the track or along a section of a walking trail? 

Try this circuit training that incorporates a surface in a rectangular shape, such as with a driveway.

Add a warm-up and cool down of your choice!

Driveway Circuit Training Workout by Katrena

Thanks for visiting Fit Tips 4 Life!

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Deck of Cards Circuit Training Workouts

Deck of Cards Circuit Training Workouts Photo Source

 Looking for variety in circuit training workouts? Grab a deck of cards and try some of these!

Add a warm-up and cool down of your choice.

Deck of Cards Cardio Workout

Deck of Cards Total Body Workout

Deck of Cards Arm Toning Workout

Deck of Cards Arm Workout

Deck of Cards Leg Toning Workout

Deck of Cards Leg Workout

Deck of Cards Dance Cardio Workout

Deck of Cards Abdominal Workout

Deck of Cards Ab Workout

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Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Why Wearing a Mask to Help Slow the COVID-19 Pandemic is a Good Idea

Wearing a Mask During COVID-19 Pandemic
Photo by: gryffyn m at
Many people are debating the merits of wearing a mask or face covering at a time when COVID-19 numbers are rising in many areas of the United States and beyond. Countries with much better numbers than those in the United States tended to test everyone early, quarantine appropriately, and had everyone to wear masks.

For simplicity I'm using the term mask in this article, but face coverings can include other things such as a face shield. If not wearing masks is associated with higher infection and death rates, let's look at the risks of not wearing one.

If you are trying to get COVID-19 to speed herd immunity or because you think medications will run out or because you think you won't get seriously ill or because you think this whole thing is a hoax, please take a few minutes to read the following carefully and consider the consequences:
·        Herd immunity may be impossible. Some people seem to have gotten COVID-19 more than once already. If immunity after infection only lasts 2 or 3 months, herd immunity will be difficult, if not impossible, to achieve.
·        If case numbers remain high, businesses are likely to close or remain closed. Wearing a mask may help protect our economy.
·        If case numbers remain high, schools are more likely to utilize remote learning, creating a larger gap in those who have fewer resources. Wearing a mask may help our educational system and protect our children's and their family's health.
·        Some areas with high numbers of COVID-19 cases are having significantly higher numbers of lethal heart attacks and strokes due to a variety of reasons.
·        Some who tested positive continue to test positive for many weeks. Although they probably are not infectious after a certain amount of time, these people may be refused entry to a job site or campus until we know more.
·        Currently, there is no clear consensus on effective treatment. Do you want to risk having a serious, potentially lethal illness when there are so many unanswered questions related to treatment?
·        At this time, the majority of people hospitalized or in other facilities with COVID-19 infections are fighting the infection while separated from family and significant others because we don't completely understand how the virus is spread or which treatments work best for the infection or have adequate personal protective equipment. Having a family member or significant other at the bedside can sometimes mean the difference between life or death.
·        Asymptomatic people can spread the virus that causes COVID-19. People who refuse to wear masks in public, enclosed spaces are placing high risk people in grave danger because those at high risk cannot control the actions of others sharing that space. Masks worn in the community are more about protecting those around you from being exposed and decreasing the viral load, which can make a difference in the severity of the infection.
·        Some infection survivors are experiencing significant long-term effects that require many months of therapy with no guarantee that they will ever achieve their previous health status. Just because someone survived doesn't mean they aren't experiencing significant morbidity. As we learn more about the virus and how it works, we may find better ways to prevent some of these long-term effects.
·        There is a shortage of appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) in many places at this time. Many healthcare workers and other employees are having to re-use protective equipment intended for single use. Some are having to wear inferior protective equipment when caring for patients and serving people in the community because adequate supplies are simply not available. Think about the risk to employees, healthcare workers, and other patients in the facility.
·        If you think this infection is simply a hoax, you probably won't think that if and when the infection affects someone you know and love. Perhaps you could speak with people who have experienced it first-hand to learn more.

Thanks for visiting Fit Tips 4 Life! Here are more of my articles you may wish to read:

Coronavirus Parties are a Bad Idea

Seven discharged patients turning positive again for SARS-CoV-2 on quantitative RT-PCR

Encephalopathy and Encephalitis Associated with Cerebrospinal Fluid Cytokine Alterations and Coronavirus Disease, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 2020

Guillain–Barré Syndrome Associated with SARS-CoV-2

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Roll the Dice Workout

Roll the Dice Workout Photo by Gaz at
Are you looking for some variety in your exercise routine? Stuck at home while your favorite gym is still closed? I've got you covered with this Roll the Dice Workout. It is designed for a 30-minute workout, but you can tweak the warm-up, cool down, or length of each exercise to suit your individual needs. Simply click on the image below and print.

Before starting or changing any exercise routine, check with your healthcare provider regarding workouts that are safe for you.

Additional articles by Katrena:

Thanks for visiting Fit Tips 4 Life!
Roll the Dice Workout © Katrena

Friday, June 12, 2020

Stairs and Chair Power Workout

Photo by Alvesgaspar at

If you are looking for variety in a home workout routine, here is one that incorporates a chair and a set of stairs. This routine can easily be altered to shorter or longer time intervals to suit individual needs. This one can be a tough routine in a short amount of time!

Additional articles by Katrena:

Stairs and Chair Power Workout © Katrena

Top 10 Tips for Staying Fit While Social Distancing in the Midst of a Pandemic

Tips to Stay Active While Social Distancing During a Pandemic © Katrena

As SARS-CoV-2, a novel coronavirus, makes its way across the globe, many people face stay-at-home orders and closed gyms as COVID-19 infections mount. Life changes, and for many, the changes have caused negative effects in physical and emotional health. Many studies have found exercise to be essential for optimal health. Staying active can help us boost immunity, prevent chronic conditions, feel better emotionally, and more.

A few general tips for home exercise:

  • Set aside specific times each day to exercise. 
  • Consider varying your exercise routine if you get bored easily. 
  • If you have family members in the household, you may find it helpful to exercise together.
  • An accountability partner can assist you with staying on track while you can return the favor. 
  • Consider safety issues with each option to determine the best and safest exercise plan for your individual needs.
#1 Walk or Jog

Create a walking path inside the home. If you have stairs in or around the home, these can add intensity to the workout. Walk or jog up and down the driveway, around the home, or in the yard to get outside. You might have natural terrain such as hills or ramps that can add variety and intensity. If safe to do so, walking or jogging along the side of the road can vary the scenery. Local, county, state, or national parks offer walking trails and may be open despite stay-at-home orders. If you have a treadmill, elliptical machine, etc., now might be a great time to remove items sitting and hanging on it. You might consider pulling up walking or jogging videos from various places in the world to watch while you are on the treadmill, elliptical, etc.

#2 Dance

Choose favorite tunes and clear a space. Dancing can be loads of fun alone or with others. If you don't know how to dance, a plethora of online videos can show you how to move it to music or you might try a dance app like Just Dance.

#3 Virtual Exercise Classes

Some gyms are offering high quality virtual online exercise classes that people can do at home. If you have a gym membership, you might even find your favorite instructors on video during this time. Many online videos also offer a wide range of exercise classes. Select classes that align with your fitness level and abilities. Some videos or streaming services may be free while others may require membership payment. If you are looking for free virtual exercise classes that are real time, Facebook may offer live feeds from various gyms while they are closed. If you are looking for a place to start looking, feel free to try Facebook exercise videos on the JF Hurley Family YMCA video page.

#4 Exercise Apps

Exercise apps include a wide range of opportunities to stay active. Some offer the ability to individualize times and exercises. Exercise apps may be free or may charge a fee. Some exercise apps might also provide motivation to exercise on a regular basis. For example, Charity Miles will donate money toward a chosen non-profit based on how much you exercise.

#5 Home Resistance Training

If you don't have dumbbells, barbells, and store-bought items for resistance training and weightlifting, you still have lots of options! Canned foods, water bottles, gallon jugs of water, and even backpacks loaded with books can serve the purpose. Pushups, abdominal crunches, squats, lunges, Pilates, yoga, and tai chi offer exercises that can strengthen, tone, and improve balance.

#6 Personal Training

Personal trainers may be available in person or virtually to help you design an exercise routine that suits your individual needs.

#7 Sports

Depending on the environment and equipment available, you might practice sports drills, play sports with family members, or shoot a few hoops on your own. Sports drills videos on YouTube, for example, can often be adapted to trying at home alone or with family members.

# 8 Circuit Training

Create stations for performing various exercises. Look around the house for various items that can be used to add variety. Something as simple as a crack in the sidewalk can be used for jumping or stepping side to side or front to back. Hula hoops, jump ropes, balls, bean bags, sidewalk chalk, stairs, hills, and more can be used to create a circuit with variety. Be imaginative and have fun with this option!

# 9 Exercise Virtually with Friends and Family

Set up a time through a virtual platform to exercise with friends and family. One option might be to use Good Meet so that everyone can participate together in real time. One person might lead the exercises or participants might take turns leading. This option can give people the ability to give and receive feedback in real time through video, audio, chat, etc. You might incorporate an exercise video for everyone to do together. Your public library may offer free exercise videos or illustrated books. Streaming services may also offer videos that everyone could do together.

# 10 Tackle the To-Do List

Push mow the yard. Scrub the tub. Vacuum the floor. Take out the garbage. Rake leaves. Many chore tasks can sneak in some exercise while you check off things that need to be done. If you dread completing those mundane tasks, perhaps re-framing the mindset that this is a great exercise opportunity may provide needed motivation.

Yes, life is different today, but we can all find ways to safely care for our bodies and minds. I wish you the best with your health and with your exercise routines!

Additional articles by Katrena:
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